High Elf Eldritch Knight.
Darkvision: 60ft Blindsight: 10ft
AC: 17 HP: 42/72
PP: 15 PIv: 12 PIs: 12
Concentrating on:
7 / 7 d8 HD
Second wind 1d10+7 1/1 Action surge 1/1
Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

With a click of her tongue, Anri extingushed the flames licking around the head of her axe. She curiously prodded one of the bodies with the toe of her boot.

"I can see them if they go invisible," she volunteered. "If they're close. I can go first."

Having been whallopped a few times, Anri padded over to Caelyn for healing. The pain didn't seem to bother her, but a nice bruise was already forming around the little elf's eye.
Spoiler: OOC