To Leif's question no adequate answer is given, though not for lack of trying. Perhaps they made a mistake, and purchased services outside of the norm? She doesn't know.

After collecting yourselves, doing a bit of spot healing and generally making sure you're all okay, the party descends back to the ground floor and finds...nothing. No guards standing at alert, no army of dopplegangers arrayed against you. The building is deathly quiet and seemingly absent entirely of life. Your senses find nothing, no matter how you might peer or sniff. It appears that those who were here before have since left, whether fleeing from the sounds above, or being directed out. A check of the offices finds them similarly empty and quiet. It doesn't seem like anything has been taken, nor any last minute sabotage or thieveries accomplished. Haste made no waste.

The front door is available to you, and ajar, should you wish to exit - you have, after all, strictly met the criteria of your agreement. There remains the supposed cellar as well that Aldeth spoke of.