R8T15: Santiago prepares himself to begin pulling the rope up once he feels a hard pull on the other end, or hears some kind of signal.

R8T14.5: Since Visto is just reaching out to grab Sol - who is right there - and Sol doesn't resist, there's no problem. But once held, the water slams both against the rocks so that Visto takes 3 NL, and Sol takes 7 NL.

R8T14-12: Lev and Tsyra, since their rope was not "chosen" have very little to do now but wait.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

Sol yanks on the rope as hard as he can. Ago, feeling that the pull now isn't just weight and bodies but deliberate, begins to help haul them out of the briny soup.

They will make it up in time ... at least out of the water long enough to fly on their own power to go up onto the ledge themselves, panting from the exertion.

Meanwhile, within the cave the flaming sphere will wink out of existence and Scruff will retreat to Maggie's side.

Initiative Ends!

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
BLESS (except Sol & Ago): +1 morale save vs. fear & attack rolls.
* RAGING SONG: +2 morale bonus to STR & CON and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. +4 HP.
Sol: 23. Shield til R44T23. Guidance til R15T18.
Ago: 15. Flail dropped; shield readied. Rope in hand and payed out to water below.
* Indomitable Presence: All allies w/in 30' of his position gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may gain +5 morale bonus [CHA] to Fort saves vs. death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, or poison effects.
Visto: 14.5. 15' underwater.
Lev: 14. Greatsword.
Tsyra: 12. Slashing blade (Kinetic Blade Mastery) formed.
* Everburning torch dropped.

Maggie: 18. DELAYING!!!
* Bless til R41T18. Flaming Sphere til R10T18 (Ref DC 17).
Scruff: 17. DELAYING!!!

Drow guard (2).