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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Jumpers vs. 40k IC1: Worst. Isekai. Ever.

    Frode's hologram solidified briefly to shake Twisting River's hand as he nodded in greeting.

    Then he inclined his head towards Cegorach. "No need to worry, Chuckles. I don't plan to spend any longer here than needed to hit the denouement of a plan that I put into play a short while ago. Should see it right about..."

    A holographic screen popped into existence next to him, showing a rushing, flickering blur, deeply blueshifted.

    "now. Frode finished. "This all happened about ten minutes ago; I haven't checked to see if it worked or not yet because I wanted to make sure that everyone involved would be inside my warehouse- my TARDIS form- so that there wouldn't be an easy way for a clairvoyant to pick up on what I wanted to happen. The short form is, I sent an indestructible- or as near as anything can be- humanoid drone into Tzeentch's realm. It's heavily psi-shielded, with triple-redundant blank generators, a micro-portal to extend my Watchmaker aura to a few millimeters around its hull, and it launched directly from inside my TARDIS form. It's invisible on all spectrums, running on a parallel time track out of phase with normal reality, and, moving at about 0.75c, will have traversed from its launch point to the target zone nearly instantly. If it worked, then the look on Tzeentch's face alone will be worth the effort."

    Frode chuckled wryly. "The actual goal, beyond giving Tzeentch whatever Chaos pests get instead of heart attacks, is sealing. If I actually did manage to catch him off-guard, then the 'bot will morph functionally instantly into an invincible box covered in Mandelbrot Pattern Repeating Hexagrammatic Wards- mathematically infinite warding. Inside the box is a Phase Iron bodyglove for Tzeentch that will morph into place around his current form and then solidify, and the rest of the space is filled with nanomachine-replenished Anti-Chaos unguent."

    "I know that there is a great deal I do not understand about the Chaos nuisances, but this is my current best shot at sealing one away." Frode shrugged. "At the very least, it seemed like it was worth a shot."
    Last edited by TeChameleon; 2023-07-31 at 02:20 AM.
    Times being what they are, the stars aligning and the End of All Things barely registered as background noise.

    At a bit of a loss as to what to do next, and with bills to pay, a certain Elder Thing has taken up bartending.

    This is...

    The Last Call of Cthulhu