Frode grinned at the fact that he'd surprised Tzeentch, then rolled his eyes at Tzeentch's last statement.

"Apparently Tzeentch thinks that I fear him. I guess being a Chaos nuisance, he wouldn't really understand basic pest control; you don't try to repair rodent damage until you take care of the rats, first."

He shrugged at the Solitaire's confusion. "I don't have an STC-like device, I am an STC-like device." He demonstrated by holding out a hand, and metal flowed out of his pockets, cascading to the floor as a pile of holographic signs that flickered on to display a variety of jokes and puns in LamEldannar and English, tiny spaceships from a variety of cultures that stopped partway to the floor and flew around the room (although there were very pointedly no Necron ships), and some miniature robots that stumbled to their feet and toddled around after they hit the floor.

"Speaking of STCs, I agree with Edward that we should spread some of the non-weaponisable ones around the Empire. Improving peoples' quality of life is a big part of what I want to do here, and making sure that as many people as possible- human and otherwise- has safe food and drinking water is a good next step."

Finally he chuckled at River. "In actuality, we are already in one of the safest places in this galaxy- the world we are standing on is inside my... I suppose the closest equivalent for you would be my inner world. My TARDIS form has functionally infinite space inside, and as it doubles as my warehouse, there are very few forces in this universe that can break into it."

He paused, and blinked. "Ah, right."

He looked at Cegorach. "Is the craftworld ready for the Black Library to join it in its orbit? I am able to handle the orbital calculations with ease so that neither world is disrupted, but it won't help much if they start shooting at you or something."