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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Jumpers vs. 40k IC1: Worst. Isekai. Ever.

    The Black Library-Craftworld Alurmen:
    "We are, we've just been communicating with them in Aeldari about opening negotiations, explaining and the like." says a Solitaire
    "Wait " Kaerabryn ask "My god and goddess...how are you staying so long in the Materium?"
    "That is a secret."

    Soon, the two Craftworlds get in orbit of each other with your help. The Two Eldar Deities go to Craftworld Alurmen in a Eldar Transport Ships with some Solitaires to protect them, if you come along you will witness the following conversation at the docks, meeting Farseer Lahys Rhesh, leader of the Craftworld but she seems....different from farseers, at least if Eldrad is any indication. Her body is a strange combination of necrodermis, the living metal making up its entirety with crystal wraithbone integrated into it glowing with psychic power. She is flanked by wraithguards with necrodemis bodies and wraithbone plating on top, and Eldar aspect warriors with necrodermis armor and weapons that don't look like weapons that other Eldar use, being black with green lighting, if a Necron were here they'd recognize these as hybrids of necron and Eldar design, and further flanking them farther you see Eldar- looking robots made out of necrodermis that aren't Wraithguard, having no soulstone at all but seem to be guards or soldiers of some kind.
    "Greetings Cegorach Laughing God. Greetings, Isha, Mother of the Eldar. I am Farseer Lahys Rhesh, We....did not expect you to visit us. Ever. What do owe the honor of our last remaining gods, gracing this exiled craftworld with your presence?"
    "Shenanigans involving human nonsense. Something came up and we had to relocate. Your hidden location and your Webway Nexus makes you the ideal Craftworld to help protect us. Even considering....well....Let me just break the ice and address the elephant in the room yes? Why are you using Necron and C'tan technology this extensively? I can see through you Farseer, are practically nothing but crystal underneath all the necrodermis! What did becoming one with your Infinity Circuit not appeal to you?"
    "....I....forgive us, Laughing God but....in our exile to the Cerberus Shroud, we found a Necron Tomb World and after they woke up, we destroyed them we took their technology and knowledge to use for ourselves. We know it could be used by the Yngir to control us, but...the material of Necrodermis just offered us such greater durability with its ability to heal on its own! Furthermore, we were thinking that....if our species is so destroyed, in such a bad state because of the Immaterium are our reliance upon it, we thought why not learn the secrets of the Necrons? They became masters of the Materium to such an extent that what they can do, is as magical as any psychic power! If it can be accomplished without the risks associated with Daemons....why not change over? It....seems obvious to us that learning such things is not only a good idea, but leads to innovations and solutions we never considered before.

    Why with this technology, I can now continue to serve my Craftworld as a mobile being, despite having long past the point where Farseers turn to crystal and merge with the Circuit. The applications of using Necrodermis to build things alone is obvious but we also have made something else"
    she walks over to one of the eldar robots
    "Behold! Necroguards! A new innovation to help preserve the Eldar race- perhaps even resurge us to greatness."
    "They....do not have any soulstones." Isha observes
    "Exactly! With some innovation and taking from their we managed to figure out how to copy not an Eldar soul.....but an Eldar MIND. All these Necroguards are copies of Eldar from either the Infinity Circuit or from those who volunteer to let themselves be copied. Thus we have a great supply of Necroguard warriors whom we produce far faster than normal Eldar against our enemies without being limited by the soulstones. But because of our Webway Nexus and the fact that they don't have one themselves, we are able to send them across the galaxy to gather soulstones in secret without losing any we didn't already have. With this we've been actually steadily increasing the number of soulstones we have and thus steadily increasing our population as well."
    "....and what happens if a C'tan takes control of them?"
    "We have a self-destruct method we can activate in case that happens, and our Farseers constantly forecast the future to make sure we aren't retrieving them in the presence of any necrons or Yngir. Its not as if the Necrons don't need to be careful of the Yngir either and they seem to be doing fine enough."
    "They don't have any Eldar souls though!" says a Solitaire, to which Cegorach laughs and keeps laughing
    "....My God of Laughter, why was that funny?" he says with a sinking feeling.
    One of the Necroguards interjects
    "We are just as soulless as Solitaires. If you can serve your god without any soul, why can't we serve our Craftworld loyally without one either?"
    "....This is fine of course. But....you are all just okay with doing this?"
    "Well..." Lahys says "Admittedly there was some disagreement over incorporating such technology, but it was from Eldar largely protesting against activating Yngir technology in the first place. When we first started harvesting and examining the technology, the arguments were controversial and heated, but those against it ultimately decided to leave either walking the Path of the Outcaste or leaving for an Exodite world now that no Craftworld will accept them, if they didn't already leave because of the Yngir activation. They of course all willingly submitted to letting their memory of this location being wiped. That would've been nearly four thousand years ago. The current...conflict on it now are to whether to regard the Necroguard as real Eldar or not, everyone on the Craftworld agrees to make use of them but more traditionalist of us don't see them as true Eldar and thus of secondary importance to our lives and in a sense....they ARE created to spend their lives where we can't."
    Isha frowns at the thought. "If they are sapient, then they are living enough."
    "That...is an issue to be sure but..." Cegorach says "Another problem might be worth talking about: Eldar birthrate is really low. If your gathering soulstones at a faster rate, you cannot possibly be matching that rate no matter how good your doing. This could possibly be considered a form of soulstone hoarding which every Craftworld needs, not just you, you rich little outcasts you~ Profiting from your hidden position and not having to fight as much other Craftworlds hmmmm?"
    "....Perhaps. But its better than Chaos cultists or Drukhari getting their hands on them and doing whatever twisted things they want, and when your Craftworld is in exile, you kind of stop caring about who exiled you. However we are willing to trade with other Craftworlds if we are welcomed back into the fold and they are willing to trade with us."
    "We cannot promise anything you know." Cegorach says "We may your gods, but like any ruler, that doesn't mean everyone agrees with what we decide- oh if only I could make being too serious into a sin! Ha!- But the choice is already made. The only question is how we're going to deal with this new situation your presenting us. Presentation is everything, after all."

    The Inquisition:
    A mysterious group of Inquisitors, as always presided over by a Lord Inquisitor, discuss recent events on a Shrine World in Segmentum Solar.
    "The reports have come in" The Lord Inquisitor announces. "They have definitely been confirming the......dissolution and violent purging of Nurgle cults by others amidst the mayhem the galaxy has just been thrown into. Rituals to summon his daemons either no longer work or summon....daemons that do not exactly match our daemonic taxonomies."
    "Surely this is good news?" asks an Inquisitor
    "In a sense....yes. But good news is just bad news waiting to ripen. As far as we can tell, something has killed Nurgle. This is....unprecedented. Whatever mysterious force capable of doing this is extremely powerful and potentially is a serious threat to the Imperium of Mankind."
    "How do we know its bad for us? If it killed a Chaos God, surely thats only good."
    "Far from it. Our knowledge of the Necrons, Tyranids and the C'tan point to it being completely possible for a powerful entity to exist against Chaos and still be a threat to the Imperium. Out of nowhere a mysterious being without any of our knowledge has suddenly killed one of the four beings we have been fighting against for ten thousand years and many Inquisitors have given up on winning against in absolute sense. This.....changes many things. We know that the Ruinous Powers can die now. Which means we can come up with our own method, possibly. But! We must remain vigilant. We must eliminate such a powerful being from threatening the Imperium. At any cost."
    "What if its the Emperor that did it?"
    "While I have faith in Him.....it seems strange that he'd do it now, and he isn't giving as any signs aside from clearing the Warp storm with his Light. We can't assume that it is The Emperor that did this. Speaking of which, what is the status of the Golden Throne?"
    "The Tech Priests report that the Astronomicon is steadily recovering and glowing brighter. Whatever miraculous fix that was somehow made is making sure that light is steadily returning. Sooner or later its light will return in full and we can begin reestablishing contact with the other Segmentums and if necessary, begin crusades to retake any world lost to this catastrophe."
    "Good. What of the psyker rejects we have gotten now that they're no longer sacrificed to the Golden Throne?"
    It was determined that since the Inquisition were the ones to deal with witches that they should find some use for the rejected psykers who couldn't even become a sanctioned psyker. Ideas of putting them to work as menials or as acolytes for the Inquistion are tossed around but ultimately one suggestion rings out:
    "We could perhaps....sacrifice them for something.....more beneficial." a radical inquisitor, a tech priest speaks up
    "....Go on."
    "Remember Ephrael Stern?"
    "The Adepta Sororitas that somehow got empowered by 700 souls to be incredibly powerful? Hunted by the Ordo Malleus? What do- oooooh."
    "You realize."
    "We have thousands of psykers not fit for sanctioning.....far more than what made Ephrael Stern so powerful.....we could make more of that"
    "Yes. the sister of Battle that some said could be the Imperium's greatest hope since the Primarchs, and now we have the souls many times over to recreate her. But why stop there?" says the radical inquisitor "I'm thinking to set my sights.....higher. I'm thinking: why not recreate someone with the power of the God-Emperor, the Omnissiah himself?"
    "That....is radical. Very radical. You tread upon dangerous ground, perhaps even heresy. Ephrael Stern is also an extreme danger and might even be the one who killed Nurgle for all we know!"
    "Ah but in these strange times, can we afford NOT to attempt this, to NOT be radical? Tell me Lord Inquisitor, what is more useful to the Imperium: thousands of low grade psykers who can't even make sanction, or one all powerful psyker as great as the God-Emperor himself? Especially when we're experiencing such crises, when the Tyranids, the Orks advance upon us, when some being we don't even know about, has upset the galaxy to such a degree? I have studied the nature of the soul and psykers for some time now. I have a working theory and design about how such a ritual may be carried out.
    All thats left is to find a subject of the Imperium whose loyalty and purity are unquestionable to empower with their sacrifice and the approval of you all."
    There is a silence for a few moments, it is tense as they consider this. On the one hand....this was probably heresy. Maybe. On the other hand....well the Imperium and thus humanity aren't getting any LESS doomed just because Nurgle's dead.
    "....I will approve this." says the Lord Inquisitor "But if this goes south, I reserve the right to call an Exterminatus upon whatever planet you do this on."
    "Fair." says the radical Inquisitor "But I am confident that won't be needed."
    Logistically it'll take time to gather all the needed sacrifices and organize the ritual however.

    Ensara: 204 days in 24 hours
    She will be training for 204 days, 51 days for each Sidereal Martial Art- the better part of a year. The Time Bubble was necessary because of how fast the other Jumpers are going and how unwilling they seem to be take a break, that she is shortening the time down to a matter of 24 hours. This is not happening now, but rather this is to inform you that until you spend that amount of time Ensara will not be available.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-08-06 at 02:17 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".