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    Titan in the Playground
    Lord Raziere's Avatar

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Jumpers vs. 40k IC1: Worst. Isekai. Ever.

    Empty Space of Ensara:
    The Empty Space, to be henceforth known as The Void of Ensara, 2nd Circle Soul of Ensara, representative of her nature as a void, The Emptiness that Births Desire instantly relays to this and she responds through the Void of Ensara to say
    "Hey if you want to switch what we do, just say so. You sound so resigned when you said that."
    This soul just emerged from her soul hierarchy naturally recently as it grows and few days and looking at it, its....transparent, invisible, having no material form, its nature being pseudo-macro-quantum like, allowing it to be everywhere yet nowhere, being at all possible locations until observed or paid attention to, enabling messages to anyone instantly regardless of distance as by nature its true location is the location of desire and thus anywhere where there is people. This is convenient for most of the ship of the Sabre because its allows those who use it to talk to anyone at any distance just by desiring to it instantly appear in both places to send the message as if your speaking to the person right now, and disappearing when the desire to talk to goes away or when you stop paying attention to it. It is a most strange soul of Ensara's, according to her a unique one, but that kind of strangeness isn't uncommon in Malfeas or Creation. The Void of Ensara itself can speak and is a person but what it talks about is well....things like "ALL THINGS DESIRE FOR THEY HAVE AN EMPTINESS THEY MUST FILL", things like that. Not really a casual conversant ironically, but many people on the ship and in Ensara's inner world find the soul convenient without being telepathy. This explains why a logical smart person like Frode would talk to empty air.
    However despite this convenience, the more scientifically minded artificers of Ensara's inner world, frustrated with Essences and Creations often exception-based rules have set up a magitech communication system of wristwatches running on blue mana to communicate regardless of distance instead, despite this being completely redundant as they do not want to rely on Ensara's soul hierarchy for things and Ensara has waved this off with a chuckle and allowed them to make them, saying she'd be disappointed if they didn't do this. Any of you can have one of these communicators if you so desire, assuming Frode didn't make better ones.
    "Well I'm going back to the Sabre, you work out what your going to do, I'm going to investigate the rest of the system."
    Rhiannon says.

    If you want to stay to keep planning, you can do that. During which you'll receive updates and reports from Ensara through communications to the Sabre as she traverses the death world of Jagganogga VI:
    "Teleported in, encountered what I'm going to call Killer Grass, killed it back. It was masquerading as normal grass for this planet, which is poisonous."
    Next report:
    "Fought a moving tree. It fired explosive acorns at me swung leaf-claws at me with their branches. Killed the tree. Been trying various fruits, a lot of them have capsaicin in them, more than normal earth food, the inhabitants here must really like spicy stuff. Makes sense though, capsaicin is supposed to be poison but humans somehow like it."
    Third report:
    "A Bush attacked me, I sliced through it with demon claws. Fired acid at me from their flowers. Second bush scuttled around like a crab and tried to entangle me in vines."
    She even sends back biological samples of them through magic and her artificers and Iota-34 seem to study them simply for the sake of studying them.
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2023-08-21 at 06:33 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".