Quote Originally Posted by 137beth View Post
Someone's probably predicted this before me, but ah well.

In page 911, Roy said "We only need a drop of blood for Resurrection." I am predicting that that line will turn out to be foreshadowing. Not for V's resurrection, but for Redcloak's.

I'm betting 5 gp, 5 sp, and 5 cp that at some point in this book, Xykon will find out about Redcloak's betrayal: either he'll realize that Redcloak gave him a fake phylactery, or he'll figure out what the ritual actually does. This will trigger
Spoiler: SoD
Xykon's geas on the MitD, prompting the MitD jump out from under the umbrella, eat Redcloak, and spit out the phylactery. However, the Order will succeed in destroying Xykon's body: this could happen either right before or shortly after Redcloak's death.
(If the Order destroys Xykon's body before he figures out about Redcloak's betrayal, then he will very quickly realize that he's regrowing next to Redcloak and not in his astral fortress.)

Durkon will use some bits of Redcloak's body that get spit out with the phylactery to resurrect Redcloak, before the Order as a whole finally convinces Redcloak to agree to Thor and Loki's plan.
I'll take that bet!

10 quatloos that Durkon rezzing Redcloak does not happen.

100 gold that the geas fails on MitD if it is ever invoked at all.

1000 internets that MitD never eats Redcloak for any reason.