Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
Okay, after nearly a year, it is time to count up beats and give out some XP. As always, feel free to run through things and let me know if I am missing anything. This one is a loooong time coming so I'm gonna try to be a little extra generous here. As always, let me know if you want to spend xp, update aspirations ect. I'm again gonna give each player back 2WP, because you have all been so patient with me. After this we will be moving on to Act 2 Scene iv.

-Bear: 2 beats for completing a very long scene. Joanna, Jeremy, and Bear get a beat for looking into Corey of the Pure. Everyone gets a beat for going towards the Idigam's lair towards pack aspiration. I'm giving Bear an extra beat for his valiant efforts against The spawn, pretty much taking out the majority of them on his own. Bear also gets a beat for having damage in his third rightmost health box. I'll also give Bear a beat towards fighting the Church of Daigon as part of this combat. I count this as a total of 7 beats gained. This brings Bear to 2 beats and 4. Please take a look at and consider updating your aspirations.

-Blaze: 2 beats for completing a very long scene. Way back when, Blaze pushed the others to put more Essence in the well for the deep sea spirits, 1 beat towards strengthening spirit allies. Blaze hack's the school network to find out Oakheart's schedule, 1 beat towards pack aspiration of "dealing with the pure". Blaze gets a beat for looking into how the Pure were messing with the Tides. I'll give Blaze a beat for summoning Pequod for making stronger spirit allies. Everyone gets a beat for going towards the Idigam's lair towards pack aspiration. Blaze also gets a beat for having damage in his third rightmost health box. Blaze gets a beat towards making allies with the Sea King Spirit towards strengthening spirit allies. That's 9 beats gained, bringing him to 3 beats and 3 xp.

-Jeremy: 2 beats for completing a very long scene. Jeremy also gets a beat for helping Joana in researching the bible of dagon. Joanna, Jeremy, and Bear get a beat for looking into Corey of the Pure. Everyone gets a beat for going towards the Idigam's lair towards pack aspiration. Jeremy gets 5 beats. This brings him to 1 beat and 1 XP. I strongly suggest you consider updating some of your beats, especially 1 and 2.

-Joanna: 2 beats for completing a very long scene. I'll give Joanna a beat for trying to talk to Jeremy about joining the Iron masters; however, I think we gotta start working towards this. Joanna goes after the church of Daigon 1 beat. Joanna gets a beat for researching the bible of dagon. Joanna, Jeremy, and Bear get a beat for looking into Corey of the Pure. Joanna gets an additional beat as this also works towards her personal aspiration. Everyone gets a beat for going towards the Idigam's lair towards pack aspiration. Joanna gets a beat for filling one of her rightmost health boxes during combat. Joanna gets 9 beats, which brings her to 1 beat and 3xp.

@All:: Don't forget about the following:
-Appeasing Databolt, you have 6/8 successes so far
-The completion of the Sea King's Rite of Wellspring 18/20 successes
-The pack has stolen two barrels of elemental mercury to deal with the Pure.
-I strongly suggest someone in the pack starts picking up some Rites.
-Blaze's aspiration of "Reshape the resonance of the Death Locus", hasn't been addressed in a while. Blaze has 7/10 successes, and requires a wisdom and occult roll for each attempt.
-Joanna's gotta joint a tribe.

As always, let me know if you want to spend any XP, and please consider updating your aspirations. Once I've had a few replies, we can the next scene. I think the pack is going to need at least a day or so to recover. I will not dock Essence for restarting the Well for the Deep Sea Spirits, but there is no Essence gained in the meantime.
Ah I thought we were done with the Death well, Blaze will tackle that and finish it off. Only two more successes needed so should be quick.

Which rites should we be looking at? Blaze already had a lot..