Paul Mauser
Half-orc Artillerist Artificer
AC: 18 HP: 45/45
PPer: 14 PInv: 18 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: Faerie Fire
Infusions active: Wand (me) +1 AC armor (Polina) Ring of Spell Fueling (restore 1 3rd level slot as action): Leif

Paul points his wand at the glowing Chuul and fires three jets of flame at it.

Scorching Ray, first one to hit does (1d8)[8] additional damage due to Arcane Firearm
Advantage due to Faerie Fire. If it goes down, shift any remaining rays to the other one.
Ray 1 (1d20+8)[26] or (1d20+8)[11] for (2d6)[7] fire
Ray 2 (1d20+8)[27] or (1d20+8)[11] for (2d6)[8] fire
Ray 3 (1d20+8)[9] or (1d20+8)[27] for (2d6)[2] fire