Radiant flame scorches the crustacean beside Polina, but its partner gives it no heed, dragging Rax beneath the deepening waters. Stalwart, the drake resists the paralysis once more, but thrashing around in the choking liquid makes Rax easy prey for the creature's pincers which latch on two separate legs to crunch down with a crushing grip.

Spoiler: Map

Ayalla hits with Sacred Flame, though the TK shove doesn't go off. Shrimp too strong.

The left Chuul (now the upper Chuul) fails to paralyze Rax, but it does clamp down with both its pincers for a total of 24 damage, and drags it a further 15ft away. Both are now Underwater and so subject to Underwater Combat rules. Further, the thick algae and cloudy water makes them more difficult to see; you can only target them if you're within 10ft. Finally, because both pincers are now locked on Rax the escape DC increases from 14 to 16!

Polian, Leif, and Paul are up.

Initiative Order:-


Polina: (1d20)[6](1d20)[11]
Paul: (1d20+1)[2]

RC: (1d20)[2]