Quote Originally Posted by Telok View Post
* I will not put more than two planets made of cheese into the setting.
** If there are cheezification guns in the setting I must not be surprised that the players want one.
Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
Put as many as you want in, the PCs will make sure there's none left.
*I am not allowed to make an Artificer named Wallace to go enjoy the cheese worlds.
**Especially if nobody makes Grommet.
***My turret is not allowed to launch random household objects about.
****The thief should not be able to control my armour like the wrong trousers. He can, he just shouldn't.
*****My steel defender is not a Hoover with delusions of grandure.
******If I DO make Wallace, I must pick One kind of Artificer to be, not just a few class features from each Archetype.
*******Well... One per episode. I can change when the DM says I can. Just stat out the sheets.