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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Default Re: [IC] Cardassian Border Wars [Star Trek Adventures]

    elyra pivots on her feet like a dancer and moves over to mox. "ah lieutenant, your the first one to report for your physical" she purrs, moving to fish a small pastel fluffball out of its cage and passing it to mox. "feel free to pet it" she offers, scanning mox with a tricorder while the small pastel fluffball makes soothing noises.

    elyra will answer moxs question with a half shrug "It's interesting, but nothing i havent dealt with before" she says. "your physical comes back green lieutenant" she says, placing the tricorder down and retrieving the pastel fluffball from mox and returning it to its cage. "if you need anything, im always here"

    Spoiler: mox
    youd spot elyras eyes reading you like a book, missing nothing. you dont know what shes doing
    Last edited by bramblefoot; 2023-09-02 at 10:51 PM.