Svek, Kobold Sorcerer | AC: 16 | HP: 62 +10 /62 | PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 12
Spell Points: 32/32 Sorcery Points: 4/6 Wand: 5/7 Wings 120/120
HD: 5 / 6d6 Draconic Cry: 3/3 Command: 1/1 Misty Step: 1/1

Feeling brave at a full 4' of height, Svek moves forward to address the Bone Knight.

"A Bone Knight from Karrnath! This is an honor. We wish no more harm to your soldiers, and apologize for this misunderstanding. The war has ended. We are on a mission for Cyre and for Karnnath, on behalf of Haydith ir'Wynarn."
Spoiler: OOC

Move: 30' towards the Bone Knight.

Reaction: shield or absorb elements if needed

Spoiler: Notes
Duvi (Duvamil Sparklegem) gnome, Majordomo for Prince Oargev.
Haydith ir'Wynarn, Princess of Karnnath
Kellar d'Kundarak
Mialee, a Valenar elf who is training Oargev's troops
job in Kalazart (have map)
rescue salvage crew
Bring back documents
Kundarak loot can be sold to Kundarak
In New Cyre - Cyran Metalworks for armor and weapons
Dalsin's Wondrous Emporium - some magic items
Finas Tiyas, halfling ghost, now in Honor, needs to return sword to Eston.
Delver, warforged in camp
Stutterer, allowed to live