When the Bone Knight confirms you're not planning any double cross, the undead soldiers lower their weapons, and move to his side, with a few gathering up the scattered pieces of those that fell by your hand. From the way they carefully do so, it's hard to tell if its with a reverence for their fallen comrade or if they intend to reanimate them once more.

The Knight doesn't dismount from his steed, even as your sizes continue to fluctuate wildly back and forth beneath the rain. Telling emotion from the armour-encased knight is difficult, but there does seem a moment of relief with the mention of Haydith. "The Princess still lives then. If she has sought out Cyran assistance then perhaps events beyond Kalazart are worse than I thought. I am Major Alarich Kessler, of the 201st Shock Troopers, dispatched to weaken and - if possible, capture - Kalazart as part of the war effort for King Kaius, may he reign in the glory of Galifar. My company was swept up in the strange fog some time ago, but without any change in our commands or relief sent to us we could do little beyond follow our orders as best we could."

Spoiler: Int (History) - Karrnath Company Size, DC12. Advantage for any former Cyran soldiers

Typically a company of Undead soldiers lead by a Major amounts to over 100 troops, usually a combination of infantry, heavy cavalry, and necromancers. What you fought here is only a fraction of what Major Kessler had at his disposal, at one point. Whether he still does is another matter entirely.

He seems to lack any compunction about describing his orders to those who would be, ostensibly, the opposing force to his commanded task. "I presume you are not here for no reason, we have significant local knowledge if what you seek is in the city. Perhaps we could exchange information - how fares the war effort? Has Karrnath struck an alliance with Cyre?"

It is immediately clear that the Major, and indeed his forces, must know nothing of what has happened beyond the city since the Mourning, and have instead been following their orders to take the city for the last four years.