Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
The only good Leo I've ever seen was in JelloApocalypse's "Crappy Archers" run, where he only attacked with Ike (so Ike can get to end game and win eventually, but only until Ike hit the level cap) and units that could attack with a bow (or crossbow, eventually, but they weren't allowed to attack with other weapons), which he did just to see if he could get it done. He won. God it was suffering, especially the Dawn Brigade Manor assault levels, but he did it. Fiona just got Bonus EXP'd to a Silver Knight so he could have nearly a full team for end game. Nolan similarly got master seal + bexp'd into a Warrior so he could use crossbows.
I'll have to watch that at some point, it sounds like a hoot. I've literally never successfully used Leo. The npc Archers that fight alongside you are better.

Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
Laura and Aron can be decent (especially if you use healer abuse with Michaia sacrifices so that she and Laura can farm the same character), but yeah, the Dawn Babies are mostly carried by Sothe, Nolan and Deadward until you can pick up Jill. Oh. And Naila, if you just want to use the STRONGEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME and never gain experience on any of your other Dawn Brigade members.
Volug is also serviceable once he arrives, and Zihark can replace a bad Edward (or a non-existent one if you didn't traun him). The real travesty is the mages though. Michaih is slow as molasses, Illyana is awful and leaves anyway, and Tormod has some of the worst availability in the entire game. So enjoy using axes the entire time, because those chapters are often the Nolan and Jill show.

The Crimeian Knights also got shafted, just not as badly.

Quote Originally Posted by Gnomes2169 View Post
... I don't have strong opinions about this game that I will take any excuse to share. Definitely not. It's certainly not one of my favorite games of all time and I well know its flaws and love it despite them. Give me a remake with real support convos, Intelligent Systems. Bring back the original writers to make them. Reeeee
All I can say is agreed.