Astral Elf Armorer Artificer
AC: 23 HP: 103/103 THP: 10/10
PPer: 16 PInv: 19 PIns: 12
Conditions: Immune to Surprise, Adv on Init, Necklace of Adaptation
Concentrating: --

Archer up above! Asha shouts out, Maintain cover if you can! He moves forward beside Herbert, the Bionoid armor hardening with each step to provide greater protection. He can feel Bori's combat magic wash over him, and his gauntleted hand turns into a fist as he rains down blows on the vampire spawn near the altar.

Spoiler: Turn 1
Bonus Action - Activate Defensive Field for +10 Temporary Hit Points
Move - Move adjacent to Vampire Spawn at altar
Action - Attack with Thunder Gauntlets vs Vampire Spawn (Bless and maybe Advantage)
Attack 1 - (1d20+11)[27] + (1d4)[3], Advantage Roll if applicable (1d20+11)[26]
Damage - (1d8+7)[8] Thunder Damage
Attack 2 - (1d20+11)[13] + (1d4)[2], Advantage Roll if applicable (1d20+11)[16]
Damage - (1d8+7)[12] Thunder Damage