Herbert Raycraft
Human Life Cleric
AC: 20 HP: 59/73
PPer: 18 PInv: 10 PIst: 18
Conditions: Bless (Bori)
Concentrating: Spirit Guardians

Herbert sends his spiritual mace to attack Sir Theodore again, taking advantage of the vampire having been knocked down and pinned in place by Rue. With the bulk of his attention, however, he calls upon his god. "Pelor, guard us and bring light to this dark place!"

His holy symbol glows, a sword-like line of light extending from it, then splitting and splitting and splitting again over a second until eight sword-like blades of light, wielded by faintly glowing angelic figures, encircle Herbert.

Spiritual Weapon attack vs Theo, who should be prone
Attack (1d20+8)[23] or (1d20+8)[25]+ Bless (1d4)[4] for (1d8+4)[5] force damage.

Since 3 vampire spawn were courteous enough to get within 15', Spirit Guardians!
15' radius
Enemy speeds reduced to 1/2 within the area. When they start their turns there (or enter the area for the first time, if the archer decides to jump down), they take 3d8 radiant damage, Wis DC 16 half.