Vlarga continues to pepper the snake woman with arrows.

Spoiler: Vlarga, Round 14

Shoot 1: (1d20+10)[17] damage (1d8+4)[10]
Shoot 2: (1d20+5)[6] damage (1d8+4)[8]
Shoot haste: (1d20+10)[21] damage (1d8+4)[9]

Spoiler: Vlarga status, Round 14
Vlarga al-Lamashten
F TN Gnoll Bloodrager, Level 8, Init 2, HP 45/100, DR 1/-, Speed 30 (40)
AC 26, Touch 13, Flat-footed 26, CMD 26, Fort 14, Ref 6, Will 6, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
PA included Falchion +1 (not raging) +13/+5 (2d4+16, 18-20/x2)
Breastplate +3 (+9 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Natural, +4 shield)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16
Bloodrage 17/21, Spells: 1st 1/2, 2nd 0/2
Fatigued: -2 str/dex (5/8 rnds)
Bless: Lots +1 insight to attack
Bull’s Strength: Lots +4 to str
Protection from arrows: Lots DR 10 vs arrows
Shield: Lots +4 shield to AC