Tiefling Barbarian/Wizard/Warlock/Fighter
AC: 19 HP: 63/63
PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 12
Conditions: Blindsense (10), Arcane Ward (5/5), Temp HP (10)

With a small barking, laugh, Aanash remarks, "A legion of undead soldiers marching out of the fog... that would cause so much stir! Ahaha!" he sounds more amused than worried about the idea. It's completely unrelated to why they were hired, so the political fallout could not matter less to him. Still, Oargev seemed like an alright fellow. It would be rude to screw him over. "I suppose if we want to prevent a headache for Her Majesty and everyone else involved, we could ah... arrange a different meeting place?"