"Sigh....Senko-san, if it comes to something like that well....I'm already one bad day way from going on a warpath of vengeance....I just....want confirmation, want to at least TRY to save her....before I become that, y'know? Because if she's alive.....then its my duty as a sister to save her, my duty to choose love over hate, to save her live over destroying others.....and if she is gone.....I will have nothing left to lose. Rest assured: I will have my confirmation. No matter what."
There is nothing left to discuss with her. She will disappear mysteriously. You may do as you wish.

Kimiko and Akiyashi:
Meanwhile, Akiyashi says
"Anyways! I'll just be hanging around, if you need me, just give me a signal and I'll respond, I do not care about the law, and I don't you think I won't accompany you back to Sound! I've been wanting a home for a while now..."
"Sure, I'll do so, Aunt Akiyashi. I'll let the others of my team know about you."
"Aw! Thanks little niece!"
Akiyashi then disappears in a flash step.