Quote Originally Posted by Kvard51 View Post
As the newcomer saunters in, you can't help but notice the color of his skin. Instead of one of the usual hues of the human palette, it is a dark, silvery black. His hair is different, too. Iron grey with a bluish tint. After you get beyond the initial oddities, his piercing blue eyes can't help but draw your attention. His crooked grin reveals straight, white teeth above a dimpled, square chin. He wears a white, Western-style shirt with pearl snaps open a couple of snaps down his chest. Wide shoulders vee down to slip hips and muscular legs encased in plain, blue Wranglers that are bunched up over a pair of black, square-toed Cowboy boots made of some kind of textured animal hide (Bull hide if you know boots). A gold buckled belt sits around his slim waist. He comes to a stop next to Seraph and leans back against the door frame.

"Howdy, y'all. I'm Jake."
And I thought I was the one who had cornered the market on distinct accents.

John stood and extended his hand to the newcomer. “A pleasure, Jake. I’m John Kelley — code name Dee, late of London and Providence, Rhode Island. I’m assigned to the South-West Joint Operation Task Force on a consulting basis to assist with occult matters.”

As he spoke, John surveyed the Texan for any hints of who and what he was. Even with one as distinct as he, John could not call up any recollection of a power set or notable encounters in the past.

John attempts to remember anything associated with Jake: 1d4o4 3 1d6o6 1

Yet another thing to add to the list of things for him to learn.

Of course, given the line of work they were in, he had no reason to believe that Jake looked like this normally. Ayern’s eye color changed with the amount and type of energy he consumed and that was one of the more subtle changes the team could make to their appearance.

Even he could conjure up a new face at need.

“Is it a safe guess that AEGIS thinks you can be of assistance with our demon problem?”