As I am escorted along the rings of stardust that make the paths of the royal grounds, I notice, even more than before, the sparkle of this great kingdom has seemingly paled. The snaking, angling, floating gardens, with their impossibly lush greenery and spectacularly angled waterfalls seemed to have a little less starlight reflected in them. The old stones of the palace wall seemed dull despite the usually vibrant vines of Lasmodess curling amongst their cracks and crevices. What would once have been familiar faces seem less familiar. Have I really been gone that long? Moving close to the grand entry, I spot an old friend. The head groundskeeper Iandidh had served the royal family for generations before mine. Originally a fine warrior in his youth, keeping the grounds brought him a welcome peace in his retirement. Known to me as "Ia" (as I called him as an infant), his service to me as a secondary trainer and confidante as a youngling has never been forgotten. "Ia" I call as I wave him over, indicating to walk with me. After a hearty greeting, I ask of him in somewhat of a hushed manner (careful to not speak too loudly as the Ruarid guard flank at a safe enough distance) "Ia, tell me, is it the excitement of my adventures still fresh in my mind, or has Alenuath lost some of its lustre? The people seem restrained, the waterfalls less vibrant, hell even the rocks seem duller. I hope you are keeping well here my old friend".