Quote Originally Posted by WanderingMist View Post
Othar is reasonable enough to want to go in descending order of evil for his killing of all Sparks, seeing as he wants to save the heroic ones for last, so Sun would probably be at the bottom of his list anyway.
He also seems to kill random sparks opportunistically. When he finds out Agatha is a spark he immediately defaulted to trying to kill her before he found out she was Bill's kid and assumes she's got hero potential. It can be assumed that if he knew the circus were sparks he'd try to kill them all with minimal hesitation.

Most of Othar's appearances in the comic have been under circumstances where he isn't at liberty to kill every spark he meets, or doesn't know he's speaking to sparks, and on the occasions he has tried to kill sparks on screen he's failed anyway, but the only times he seems fine with that limitation is when he thinks the other sparks are potential sidekicks for his own adventure.

I'm going to guess that at some point he's going to conclude that the whole genocide thing is unreasonable and move to only being heroic, but as is his genocidal desires seem to have taken a backseat to his pulpy hero shtick anyway, in a similar fashion to how Tarvek and Gil have become protagonists rather than antagonists.