The Police Station:
When you enter it, a man, one of the shinobi police look at you grimly as
"We'll take your statement Senko-san, your that child diplomat right? I'm Shizan Uchiha of the Konoha Police. but.....I'm sorry to say something very unfortunate has happened. The rogue shinobi killed himself. The Hokage decided to interrogate the rogue shinobi himself, and well....when they went in, the interrogation went on for a while, the shinobi said they were apart of a terrorist group called Moeruki (Burning Wood). Claimed they seek the downfall of Konoha, that the entire Land of Fire is evil and corrupt and needs to be cleansed in some big rant, confessed that they were trying to kill Hisaki and pin the blame on you so as to start a war between Konoha and Oto, use Oto as a catspaw to weaken us so they can do a final strike. Then they broke out of their bindings at the hospital, grabbed a kunai Hisaki left behind there and slit their own throat before anyone could stop him. "
Hisaki comes walking out of an office looking real down. Shizan jeers at him
"Sigh....I've been kicked off the force for this screw up. Dang it, how could I've forgotten one of my kunai there!?"
"Heh, serves you right. You never were good at it anyways. Only the best shinobi can police other shinobi after all! Like me, Shizan Uchiha, elite Jounin of the Konoha Police."
"Sorry....I knew you wanted that guy to live Senko-san....I screwed up...."
Hisaki apologizes.
"Anyways, I'll get out a notepad, take your statement and add it to the evidence. We'll need everything we can to take down those Moeruki terrorists."
Shizan says, taking a out a notepad or other form to record your statement on it to write down.