Heltinne Thrainsdottir, Speaker of Spirits

Heltinne stood the last watch that she would be up with the 'dawn.' When she roused the others, she took a few moments to meditate, calling upon the ancient spirits to gird their company for the trials that lay ahead. Once completed, she turned to the others, nodding her thanks to those who had brought Sven back from the brink of death.
"I think he will survive the journey now. Let us help search, in teams within shouting distance. Perhaps an answer to the riddle of 'where next' will be found."

OOC Sorry for the delay - life has a way of taking over. Which is not a bad thing

Perception - (1d20+7)[11]

Effects/Conditions: Child of Winter (endure elements, imp movement over snow/ice, +2 Init/Ref); Darkvision 60'; ER 5 vs cold, acid, electricity

Spoiler: Status - Round 4
AC 15 HP 12/15 Init +1 (+3 in winter/cold) Move 30
F +1 R +1 (+3 in winter/cold) W +4
Weapon: MW longspear (+4, 1d8+3), Cold iron Morningstar (+3, 1d8+3)
Spell (Unl) ghost sound, mage hand, guidance, create water, detect magic, spark, stabilize / (4/4) cure light wounds, bless, obscuring mist, endure elements
SLA (alter self): 1/1, Ice armor: 2hr
Key skills: Perception +7; Sense Motive +6; Diplomacy +7; Heal +8; Spellcraft +4; Planes +6; Geography +5; Religion +4; Arcana +4; Local +4; History +4; Linguistics +1; Climb +1; Swim +1; Stealth +0