The party cautiously advances down the narrow, uncannily quiet ravine. Distant birdsong filters through the overhanging rocks and somewhere not too far a rivulet must trickle between the narrow gaps in ancient stone. Perriket curiously peers at the floor, noting no shortage of disturbance in the sparse foliage pressing through the rocky soil. "Someone has passed through here- probably many someones... fairly recently," he murmurs through the precautionary message.

More and more curious, Franklin approaches one of the nearby edifices, offering a quiet "Hullo? Anyone here?" through an unlatched window.

Finally, about halfway to the grand stone doors, a voice that isn't yours breaks the silence. "Franklin? Is that really you?!" A venerable Gnomish matron all-but appears in one of the two double-doorways leading to the right. "Aunt Vernie?" he asks. With surprising affection, to your great relief, the old woman gleefully bolts from the doorway to catch her nephew in a tight embrace. "Moons and stars, I haven't laid eyes on you for so long!" she exclaims. "Come on out, everyone!" she calls. "It's my kin and his... friends?" At the young Gnome's quick nod, she continues "From the Downs!"

Within moments, at least two dozen Gnomes and Dwarves pour from the same doorway, offering emotional (if only for the relief of suddenly not being terrified) greetings and offering shelter within. "We hate to be so suspicious, but I'm sure you understand. Surface life isn't what it used to be," a broad-shouldered Dwarf explains. "I'm Stagni Craghammer- first son of elder Borden. Please, be made welcome at our hearth."

As you allow yourselves to be ushered in, you find a surprisingly well-equipped common room. It appears the buildings have been carved much deeper into the ravine face than you might have guessed from the outside.