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Thread: Age of Giants- Live or Die Trying

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Giants- Live or Die Trying

    Stagni immediately draws Brankahm aside, with astonishing tact, you're forced to admit- perhaps especially for a Dwarf. Clearly, he is familiar with delicate issues and prepared to address them.

    "Aye friend, in truth everything, it seems, has gone wrong. Our once proud, but small home has become well and truly overrun- and before you get too excited, it is a matter of refugees more than violence! Perhaps a good problem to be had, being one of so few remaining homesteads that civilized folks dare to call 'safe.'" He frowns at some of your other questions, lowering his voice so as to be unheard by most in the very crowded common room.

    "Most the time, folks stay in their own homes up here," he admits. "But when we see someone coming- anyone coming, we pile into my home here for the illusion of safety in numbers." You can tell from his eyes that Stagni has seen things he's been forced to reconcile, and that he has the strength of will to do whatever it takes to keep as many of his people safe as possible.

    He shrugs, an awkward, unhappy thing. His deep, calm voice is a surprisingly comforting thing, given the subject matter. "Truth be told, I'm much more comfortable underground, but someone had to be in a position of authority up here. We're both the first line of defense for the Halls and the only place left to put new faces with anything like permanence or comfort. Gods help us all if the Giants come knocking again...."