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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    purepolarpanzer's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 46/59
    PP: 18 PIv: 10 PIs: 18
    Concentrating on:
    0 / 8 d8 HD
    Spell Slots- 3/4 1st, 1/3 2nd, 2/3 3rd, 0/2 4th
    0/2 Wildshape

    Caelyn began to dash southwards, trying to get the best angle on their foes she could. Cinders danced off of her in a trail behind her. Her bloodlust was singing, the call of her father's murderous bloodline pumping through her with each breath, each heartbeat, each step. Flitters of sparks rained from the corners of her eyes. The idea that Vyvian had hurt her family was so sacrilidgous that it made Caelee light up like a forest fire. But with more resolve then she'd shown in the past, the wildfire druid kept herself on task.

    It just so happened that that task was obliterating this darkmaster that had been thwarting blows and sending Senna halfway across the room. Her movement served to get her closer to her youngest sister in case she needed saving from the undead she'd been trapped with. Planting her feet, Caelyn stamped her staff, causing a fresh rain of cinders to puff up around her. Then she spun in a circle, hurling an orb of fire at this undead master. Hit or miss, the ground beneath it and Vyvian shattered and broke, threatening to knock both of them down.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Move 35 feet south. Invoking elements. Refreshing a 3rd level slot for a finisher fireball for later. Fire missile attack against the Darkmaster- (1d20+8)[17] for (8d8)[1][4][2][4][6][7][1][1](26) (rerolling 1's for 10 more damage). Then a 10 foot radius of earth under Vyvian and the Darkmaster erupts, requiring a DC 16 Strength save (DM- (1d20)[7] V-(1d20)[15]) or be knocked prone. The entire 10 ft radius becomes difficult terrain.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-10-15 at 04:54 PM.
    The Bear is Back.