
Well the whole scene of this place temporarily puts Doc in a sour mood. It's all appalling. These people are literate, so somebody TAUGHT them to spell that way. Sloppy, incorrect, and UNFORGIVABLE. Or something along those lines. He keeps his mouth shut for the travel though, collecting the wherewithal to compose himself for a royal meeting. While getting this sort of audience is rare, he is at least used to polite grovelling.

"Your grace is too kind. The field of Essentialism does not have the established knowledge base for the colleges to bestow that honor. The title is merely due to necessity for those I work with. It is a shame though, such a work being lost. If my work were to be recovered it would give that party knowledge no one else possesses."

Not subtle, but it didn't need to be. Doc is hoping to plant the idea of profit to make his case. He didn't think through his garb and potential muttering it caused though.

Gentleman of Refinement - (1d6)[2](2)