Dwarf Paladin 8
AC: 20 HP: 57/86 PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
HD: 8/8d10, Conditions: none

Impaling one of the zombies coming for him, dropping the singed, burning hulk to the ground, Grok doesn't manage to move fast enough to avoid the crushing impact of the second, staggering him for a moment

Practically in Vivian's face, Grok takes the opportunity granted by her focus on the knives to headbutt her, trying to send her into the ground, before trying to grab one of her limbs and drag her body through the knives some more.
Spoiler: OOC

Using weapons? Who needs weapons! Time for some fisticuffs to take advantage of the nifty cloud of daggers!
First, Shove, to knock prone, opposed by either her athletics or acrobatics.
(1d20+8)[27] Grok's Athletics (1d20)[19] Vivian's opposition.
Then, Grapple.
(1d20+8)[26] Grok's Athletics (1d20)[18] Vivian's opposition.
If Grok's roll on either is bad, use Sam's Inspiration: (1d6)[4]
For his move(Assuming the grapple succeeds), he steps back five feet, then forwards five feet, basically forcing her to reenter the cloud of daggers on his turn, resulting in her taking (4d4)[8] bonus slashing damage for entering it for the first time on a turn.

Also, for bonus fun, if both the shove and the grapple succeed, she can't actually stand from prone, having no move speed.