"Why not? They're dead all the same."

Grepha swoops in to strike at the Darkmaster, her stinger piercing through his guard, but she finds the venomous sting just doesn't go quite as deep as she'd have liked it to. Senna has more luck, her invocations destroying her closest foes, and her follow up spell cutting down the last one in the centre looming over Caelyn. For a moment it looks like the Darkmaster is going to cast Grepha to the (figurative) abyss, but she is an annoyance, not a threat. Instead he turns, and opens up a shadowy hole beneath Grok, just like the one that swallowed Senna. His grip on Vyvian breaks as he's pulled away, reappearing moments later in the pile of bodyparts to the north, right as two more undead rise to threaten him.

Spoiler: Map

Grepha hits, though the poison gets saved against.
Destroy Undead blows up the last two south zombos, and spiritual weapon barely hits the last one in the middle to finish it off.

The Darkmaster's Legendary action teleport is available, and he snatches away Grok, breaking the grapple. Two more zombies appear in the north side with him.

Grok and Leaf are up.

Initiative Order:-
Darkmaster Lair Action (20)

Grepha: (1d20+5)[13]
Senna: (1d20)[13]

Darkmaster Legendary Action

Grok: (1d20)[12]
Leaf: (1d20)[10]

Darkmaster: (1d20)[10]

Caelyn: (1d20)[8]

Vyvian: (1d20+1)[6]
UD: (1d20)[1]