Borthan Zuek
Half-Drow Ranger
AC: 17 HP:44/45
22/29 MP
0 Temp HP
PP: 14 PIv: 9 PIs: 14 Sanity:12
Concentrating on:
4 of 5 d10 HD.
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/2 2nd

"We're here to deal with bees, not ants. Hurry up, grab the gear, and let's get the hell out of here!"
Borthan runs over to the larvae wearing armor and unceremoniously dumps the wormlike ant baby out of the mithral, doing his best not to hurt it. "If we get involved in a fight for the death when we're outnumbered like this we might attract more attention than we can handle!"

Prince Derendil
Quaggoth Barbarian/Abjurer
AC: 17 HP: 39/39
34/34 MP
10 Temp HP
PP: 10 PIv: 12 PIs: 10 Sanity 10
Conditions: Mage Armor (8 hrs), Arcane Ward (0hp/8hp)
Concentrating on:
HD:1/1 D12, 3/3 D6
Spell Slots- 3/3 1st, 3/3 2nd, 2/2 3rd

Derendil rushes to gather Elara's gear as well, leaving her weapon for the moment and picking up her bag.