Every time I've tried Pillars, it felt just different enough I'd have to pay attention, but not different enough for that attention to be all that rewarded. Also I kinda find combat an unfun mess.

Speaking of RTP combat and rewarding, Tower of Time continues to be a fantastic little gem. Got a third character, a sort of druid type with bad DPS but summons and healing, so that livens up combat a good bit. On Normal the fights feel just about right, the systems are pretty well explained, and there's plenty of non-combat exploration to keep things varied.

But really I just love the atmosphere of it. The whole game is a dungeon crawl, but thanks to some solid art design, lighting, and the dungeon being an upside down magical tower from before the apocalypse, the devs can pack it with any number of cool environments and it isn't jarring. Magical fountains, lost libraries, gardens, forges, remains of long-dead refugees still in their camps, it keeps the tower mysterious and fun to explore. And where most RPGs chronically overshare information about the world, this kinda drip feeds it so its actually fun and exciting to find. In the roughly 20 minutes a day I have to play right now its a blast.