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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Default Re: The LA Assignment Thread XII: the LA-bors of Heracles

    Since Debatra hasn't posted in more than a month and it's been a week since I sent him a PM, and in order to progress a bit before the thread dies, I've written a stub for the next creature, trying to follow his formatting. I'll obviously let Debatra continue being the chair as soon as he gets back.

    Size & Type: Colossal Dragon
    Space/Reach: 30'/20' (30' with bite)
    HD: 44
    Speed: 40', Burrow 40' (Ice Glide), Climb 40'
    Ability Scores: Str +36, Dex -2, Con +26, Int -6, Wis +6, Cha +10 - Net +70, two penalties
    Natural Armor: 33
    Natural Weapons: One Primary Bite (2d8, 19/20/+1d6) and 2 Secondary Claws (4d6)
    Skill List: Climb, Hide, Listen, Spot
    Body Shape: Dragon
    Speech (Languages): Yes ("understands a few words in Draconic, but has little interest in conversation")
    CR: 28
    WotC LA: -
    Our LA: -0

    Because having a non-spellcasting stupid dragon sure makes a good epic-level challenge. The Glacierdrak is an immense drake (not a true dragon, so none of the advantages) with big bonuses to Str and Con and everything else mediocre, a few defensive abilities (DR 20/- is decent, SR 36 is useless, immunity to cold and mind-affecting is good but only par for ECL 44), a large radius Frightful Presence (500ft) and a weird bite. Not only does it do less damage than the Drak's claws, the way its critical is written seems to imply that critting with it only adds 1d6 damage (probably a typo and it always deals 2d8+1d6). On a crit, it also stuns the target for 2d6 rounds unless they make a Str-based Fort save.

    However, the most interesting ability of the Drak is its gaze attack. Just straight-up 6d6 Dex damage per round to everyone in a 120ft radius unless the person watching makes a Cha-based Fort save, and the Dex damage becomes Con damage if the creature already has 0 Dex. The problem, like all gazes, is how party-unfriendly it is, which will make the Glacierdrak refrain from using it as often as it could.

    All in all, no amount of ability damage is worth starting so deep into epic, see you soon.
    Last edited by Beni-Kujaku; 2023-11-04 at 05:27 PM.
    Resurrecting the Negative LA thread, comments and discussion are very welcome!
    Nice find! Have a cookie!
    Do you want to build monstrous characters with reasonable LA? Join the Monster Mash! Currently, round XII: One-Punch Monster!!! Come judge single-strike entries!
    Quote Originally Posted by H_H_F_F View Post
    3.5 allows you to optimize into godhood, yes, but far more importantly, it lets you optimize weak, weird, and niche options into relevance.