Quote Originally Posted by Mobius Twist View Post
As for me, I got Subnautica recently and "dove in", playing through the game without aid of wikis, maps, or assistance. A bit of pain was had in discovering basic systems (e.g. cave sulphur!!!), but it's an enjoyable experience all-told. As with most survival games, initial settlement-building mechanics lead to "wouldn't it look nicer like this" waffling and constant rebuilding. I managed to stop myself once I got to "functional, but not pretty", else this would be a very long game.
Cave sulfur's tricky to get even when you're referencing a wiki; those small cave systems are disorienting even when you're *not* dodging Crashfish.

How far are you? I got nearly to the end of the game; I didn't quite beat it, but I liked it a lot. I didn't spend that much time on settlement-building, my first base near the surface was pretty ad-hoc and sprawling, but I did plan out and build a second base that I thought was pretty neat.