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Thread: DrK's Age of Worms IC pt4

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: DrK's Age of Worms IC pt4

    Landahl Snowstrider, Halfling scout

    Lan gave a savage smile as the tielflings fell beneath the combined might of spear and blade. He glanced to Zarina for a moment, checking to see she was still okay, before nodding and zipping forward to join the fray. With several targets still in play, Lan thought for a moment, then remembered Mir's original orders and targeted the priest.

    Round 3: Fly w/in 30' as swift, full attack vs Quethos

    Attack 1 - Touch - (1d20+26)[34], Damage - (1d4+4)[5]+Skirmish - (6d6)[17]=22
    Attack 2 - (1d20+21)[39], Damage - (1d4+4)[8]+Skirmish - (6d6)[21]=29
    Attack 3 - (1d20+16)[25], Damage - (1d4+4)[6]+Skirmish - (6d6)[23]=29
    Rapid Shot - (1d20+26)[37], Damage - (1d4+4)[6]+Skirmish - (6d6)[17]=23
    Haste - (1d20+26)[38], Damage - (1d4+4)[5]+Skirmish - (6d6)[27]=32

    Effects: Find the gap (1st attack each round is vs touch AC, 4 rounds); Invisible (7 rounds), Travel Devotion (7 rounds, extra move); Haste (+1 att/AC/Ref, +30 move, +1 extra attack; 12 rounds); heroics (imp rapid shot, 140 min); deeper darkvision (90ft darkvision, no 20% miss chance for shadows; 7 hours); Heroes Feast (+1 attack/Will [morale], +8 temp hps, immune poison/fear; 24 hours); extended wind walk (28 hours); +10 Tumbling

    Spoiler: Status
    HPs: 62/125 AC: 23 (30) Touch/Flatfooted: 18/17 (25/23) Move 30' Initiative +8
    F +16 R +22 W +13 (+14)
    Skills: Listen/Spot +19 Search +20 Move Silently/Hide +23 Tumble +37 D Device +23
    Spells (4/6/6/4/2/2) 0: create water, guidance, mending, light
    1: detect fav enemies, gravity bow, embrace the wild, hunter's mercy, sniper’s shot, surefooted stride
    2: fell the greatest foes, invisibility, invisibility, swift haste, easy climb, exacting shot
    3: decoy image, find the gap, find the gap, foebane
    4: aspect of earth hunter, deeper darkvision
    5: summon nature’s ally V, summon nature’s ally V
    Javelins (+23, 1d4+3 / +24, 1d4+4 w/in 30', bane vs undead); +1 Comp shortbow (+23, 1d6+2 / +24, 1d6+3 w/in 30', lesser truedeath crystal)
    Items: 1/1 Laughing Rogue; 2/2 Quicksilver Boots; 2/2 Horizon Walker; 3/3 Scout's headband; Winged Vest 4/5, Travel devotion: 0/1

    Spoiler: Bullette Form
    HP: 155/155 AC: 29
    Space and Reach: 15 feet/10 feet
    Stats: Str 27 Dex 15 Con 20 / Int 13 Wis 14 Chr 8
    Land speed 40 ft, burrow 10 ft,
    Senses: darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60'
    Gain +12 natural armor, two claw attacks (+24 / 2d8+9)
    Retain abilities, BAB, saving throws, skills
    Last edited by Starbin; 2023-12-28 at 03:10 PM.
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y