Quote Originally Posted by BananaPhone View Post

Marc exhaled as she forced her mind forward once again, screaming through the ley-lines of the warp to smother Drimmles consciousness and suppress it, the man spasms, writhing but then going still before her, eyes closing over, chest rising and falling.

"********..." the psyker hissed under her breath, asking Arl to help her get him back into the chair.

Once he was seated again, Marc moved her hand forward and flattened it over the nobles forehead and closed her eyes, her own psyche phasing through the physical connection, crossing the distance between minds and penetrating the barriers that separated them. The world around her blackened into a rapid tunnel through which her own consciousness poured before emerging into the shattered mental landscape of Drimmle's state of mind. His paranoia, his anxiety and his now terminal desire to escape the reality of his life all oozed back into Marcella's spirit where it gnawed at her own ego and chewed into its foundations while she plowed ahead, searching through a broken, suicidal mans life for the answers she sought...
Arl carefully assisted Marc over to one of the library's overstuffed chairs, a look of concern on this usually placid face. Once she was seated, he hurried over to the sideboard and poured two fingers worth of amsec and brought to Marc, setting it on the table next to her chair.