At Winifred's query the marshall nods, "he has been seen since on a couple of occasions. Mostly whipping up the masses against the Queen." She doesn't seem inclined to discuss it further before you leave...

With some small flasks and oiled sachets of pungent liquids in your packs the party are soon heading through the streets. The city being busier now as the day has dawned and the streets seem near buys as usual, apart from the alleys where bodies can be seen, or those afflicted with the Red Veil coughing gasping as they lie in the filth.

In the streets many wear strips of cloth across their faces and people do seem to be giving each other a wider birth.

Reaching the Gold Market it is quieter, a few stalls each with guards watching people carefully as their masters try and sell a variety of jewellery. On the far side, near the edge of the market square you spy Erie. She is a mousy haired stopped back crone with withered clawed hands grasping a wooden cane. She stands by a ragged looking stall selling tired looking trinkets mainly of cheap glass and brass

As the four of you, with weapons at your waists and armour on she looks up, a face lined and tired looking, lank hair framing bright yellow eyes that gleam with sharp intelligence. "How can Erie be of assistance to the good sers?"