R2T6: Thickness takes a moment to right himself in the water, but not before trying to get into a fighting stance. That is when he learns that he can't really get into a proper fighting stance while off-balance, so he doubles down on righting himself. As he is flailing around like that, the bogey stabs its spear into Thickness' lower left calf for 3. He tries to glance at the mass of steam on the other side of the bogey before he focuses on his offense, his legs and tail taking their proper place as he strikes again with his jaw, attempting to use more of the back molars on fatty parts of the enemy - seeking to incapacitate, not kill - but the enemy is very squirrely and the sobek fails to find any purchase.

R2T5: The pool of blood off the starboard side continues to get thicker.

R2T3: Roran, you are seated with your machete in hand. You could attack the enemy, but it is fully submerged at this time. What do you do?

Steamy Sue on deck, Enemy in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Aissah: 22. Submerged, dagger in hand.
Red Grindylow: 19. (2:9).
Eirina: 20. Submerged, off-balance. Breath (24).
* Frog Focus til R12T20.
Luren: 17. Oars locked. Standing.
Kaen: 13. Seated. Slashing volley (bow).
Zeferin: 10. Seated. Warhammer and shield. Arcane Strike (+1).
* Ready Action - "If the sea monster currently peeking it's head out comes within striking distance, I will swing my Warhammer at it"(1d20+6)[7] dealing (1d8+3)[6] magical bludgeoning damage, adding +1 to that damage if Arcane Strike is still in effect.
Arsenne: 8. Seated. Journal and ink in hand.
Thickness: 6. Prone in water. Lance in hand, shield on boat.
* If/Thens: If Attacked I'll use Whirlpool Spin.
* If the enemy attempts to leave in a manner that provokes AOO, I'll attempt a Hamstring Manuever from the Elephant in the Room Feat reduction, being a opposed combat maneuver with attacks to entangle them/prevent them from leaving instead of doing damage.
Blue Grindylow: 5. (-8:9). DYING! 1D4 BLEED!!!
Roran: 3. Seated. Machete.

Ambyr: 4. Seated. DELAYING...
