R3T13: Kaen smiled at Mr. Adovair as he went overboard at the beast. "His strength is as uncanny as his manner is uncouth, it seems", he says wryly, moving to the edge of the boat. Once in position, he lines up a shot, ready to fire once the grindylow was again in view.

Mr. Ardovair rumbles, and that rumbling is heard underwater only a few feet around him, but still intelligibly, and Thickness thinks it might be to him as Mr. Ardovair looks down from above the waterline to him, "She's got this."

R3T10: Zeferin, your readied action didn't go off. What do you do?

Arsenne on deck, Thickness in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Aissah: 22. Submerged, dagger in hand.
Red Grindylow: 19. (2:9). -3 penalty on all d20 rolls til R4T19.
Eirina: 20. Submerged, off-balance. Breath (24).
* Frog Focus til R12T20.
Luren: 17. Oars locked. Standing.
Kaen: 13. Seated. Slashing volley (bow). READIED to attack if grindylow shows.
Zeferin: 10. Seated. Warhammer and shield. Arcane Strike (+1).
Arsenne: 8. Seated. Journal and ink in hand.
Thickness: 6. Lance in hand, shield on boat.
* If/Thens: If Attacked I'll use Whirlpool Spin.
* If the enemy attempts to leave in a manner that provokes AOO, I'll attempt a Hamstring Manuever from the Elephant in the Room Feat reduction, being a opposed combat maneuver with attacks to entangle them/prevent them from leaving instead of doing damage.
Blue Grindylow: 5. (-8:9). DYING! 1D4 BLEED!!!
Roran: 3. Seated. Machete. READIED to strike if Red emerges from water w/in 5' of him.

Ambyr: 4. Seated. DELAYING...
