Quote Originally Posted by VampiricLongbow View Post
I do not believe what Tony Stark demanded of the Avengers - they they blink everyone back, 5 years later - was entirely ethical or moral. Especially, when you start conceptualizing how many people across the entire universe were suddenly returned to life. Failing to prevent Thanos from gaining the gems is not a crime, unilaterally snapping everyone back all because 1 man did not want to lose his daughter is pretty messed up. The Avengers are absolutely guilty of crimes. As I alluded to above, societies collapsed and were barely getting back on their feet, then suddenly they have to feed, cloth, shelter trillions of new people. How many people starved because society writ large across the universe was not given the proper lead time to prepare for the return?
This si one big reason they should have ended everything at Endgame. I can think of so many weird consequences to the 5 year blip. For Example:

Life Insurance - Did half the Life Insurance policies in the world pay out at the snap? Did that crash the world economy? And did the Insurance companies try to recoup the money after everyone came back?