Astral Elf Armorer Artificer
AC: 23 HP: 99/103 THP: 10/10
PPer: 16 PInv: 19 PIns: 12
Conditions: Enlarged, Immune to Surprise, Adv on Init, Necklace of Adaptation
Concentrating: Enlarge/Reduce
Asha takes a step back as the monstrous bat-Strahd charges forward toward him. He puts a protective hand out, Stay close to Bori and Herbert! Then he turns back to the monster, Strahd, you hedonist fool! We can return and give you the greatest challenge you've ever faced in your miserable existence. Did you really lead us here only to end the game so quickly? Are you that afraid that we will end you once and for all that you must finish this now?

Taking no chances, Asha triggers a contingency in the bionoid armor. The others can hear a straining and cracking noise as the armor begins to stretch and grow. Asha suddenly reaches 10ft in height, not as tall as the bat-monster, but large enough to engage it in melee.

Spoiler: Turn 1

Move Action - Speak to Strahd about his failure as a host.
Action - Cast Enlarge/Reduce, targeting Asha and selecting the Enlarge option.