We are in Abdiel's hands as this is his plot, but:

Nobukado Takeda: Lord Shingen has been ill. He must refrain from riding.
Masakage Yamagata: Good idea.
Masatane Hara: There are many other problems. We must be careful to keep the late lord's intentions.
Katsusuke Atobe: Tonight he will have to meet the late lord's mistresses. How will he be with them?
Masakage Yamagata: Our master has been ill. He must refrain from riding.



I would suggest:

Travel overland to Turris Vigilens

Link up with the Bécassine

Deal with the Red Knight

Return to Bourdelaux

Deal with rebellion and Lord Arduin Montague

Check out his fief

That is all land business, so Trundheim will have a month or two of downtime