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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut Zut Zut and a Bottle of Bordeleaux

    Turris Vigilans is a temple of Verena that stands on an isolated headland in the north of the dukedom. It serves as a lighthouse and has a reputation of one of the most reliable in the world. Its primary purpose, however, is to
    keep a watch on Mousillon. The priests of the temple are rumoured to use powerful magic, granted by their Goddess, to scry on the whole of the cursed dukedom.
    They refuse to say what they are looking for or what they will do if they find it. The priests are similarly insistent that they must not enter Mousillon personally

    Prophetesses of the Lady and the Fay Enchantress herself have been known to visit Turris Vigilans, but the purpose of the
    visits remains a secret. It is widely known that the priests offer advice to those who seek their counsel, and that the advice is very good. Anyone purchasing one of their many books gets an automatic hearing; others put their names into a lottery, which the clergy draws from every day. The priests sometimes offer unsolicited advice, as well, particularly advice that recommends that adventurers should venture into Mousillon.

    So you know, Candelkeep, if it were also Osgiliath and the Mousillon Tourist Information Center
    Last edited by wilphe; 2023-12-04 at 10:50 AM.