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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown OOC XV

    Quote Originally Posted by -Sentinel- View Post
    I still think a research step was intended to happen, but if you're going to save me a few in-game months, I'm obviously not going to insist on my interpretation. I appreciate it... I'd hate for Elsa to be effectively out of the game for almost the rest of the campaign.
    Cool. Let's say it's 1 month research then, and we'll still roll on the research table, 'cos it's fun.

    Note that a month of research would still take us past the summer solstice
    Blerg, sorry, I got my mental wires crossed there - I'm tracking weeks since the famine clock started and also of the ritual research and I think I mixed the two up.

    The next astronomical event is Geheimnistag, the Day of Mystery. If I recall correctly, the attack on the Temple happened on Geheimnisnacht. Is it a particularly ill-omened time, or simply a good time to cast powerful spells?
    Yes. It's the one night of the year when both Mannslieb and Morrslieb are full. The flow of magic is strong and in Warhammer that's bad news.

    Geheimnisnacht was also the night when the Library appeared the year before.
    Last edited by LCP; 2023-12-06 at 08:29 AM.
    Spoiler: My Games

    WFRP 2E - Tales of Perilous Adventure
    The Hour After Midnight
    The Lord of Lost Heart
    Ill Met By Morrslieb

    Dark Heresy 1E - Wake of the Byzantium
    Episodes: I, II, III, IV, V

    WFRP 2E - The Bloody Crown
    Threads: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X