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    Titan in the Playground
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    Aug 2007

    Default Re: MitD XIX: The Potted Plant Is Starting To Look Reasonable

    Quote Originally Posted by Emberlily View Post
    I feel a lil like a killjoy when I make a post thats thrust is "the guessing game isn't that important to order of the stick as a story" in the guessing game thread...
    On the contrary! First, not a killjoy. Getting some perspective on the fact that MitD is a secondary character is crucial to properly gauging clues and their relationship to the story.

    Second, this is not in fact a guessing thread. It's an analysis thread. The guessing is so secondary to its function I never even considered keeping records of who said what, and only because Crusher stepped up does this thread even keep such records.

    So please do not feel bad at all.

    As to the reveal, I suspect we won't even get an explanation for the escape. At best, I think MitD's species might get a shout-out (although maybe only in the strip title), and he will let those that care do the footwork. He's just not important enough to warrant even a panel or two of explaining what he can do, because the story doesn't do that for anyone. Big blue guy can open his mouth and spew lightning? Unexplained. That's just what big blue guy does. Story has already established anyone can have weird powers. And MitD already has demonstrated teleportation, so there is no need to tell us he can, much less how.

    Last edited by Grey_Wolf_c; 2023-12-06 at 09:08 PM.
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    There is a world of imagination
    Deep in the corners of your mind
    Where reality is an intruder
    And myth and legend thrive
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
    Ceterum autem censeo Hilgya malefica est