Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
"Do you know who else might be sick in this building? Anyone you usually see out and about strangely missing?" Leif asked.
Maaybe these people weren’t evil.
"I don't think so? No, the few we see regularly aren't precisely-"

"What about that one maintenance guy?"

"Oh, right, Chuck! Don't know his last name or anything. He came through here two weeks ago, I think?"

"19 days."

"Right. Anyway, he was replacing the smoke detector. He looked sick." He gestures to the ceiling of the kitchenette.

"Sick how?"

"Not like a cold or anything. He looked ... drained. Like he wasn't all there, you know?"



"Is that why he dropped it initially?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Why did you let him do the work, then?"

"It's a smoke detector, Jimmy. You just mount it. I could have done it myself, but he was providing it anyway."