Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14+3 HP: 34/33+5 thp: 0
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)
Pizza Power: Advantage on a Str or Con check until next long rest
Savtuan Dream: 1/1 /LR, add Int, Wis or Cha to a physical check, attack or damage roll (before the roll is made)

"This plane is small, so the resident sapients must be local. And the lizardfolk likely have hunting trails for food and water," thinking aloud, Doredan approaches the issue of tracking with academic knowledge... but little real idea of how to go about finding these clues that must exist. "I suppose the easiest place to start looking for a trail would be a source of clean water."

Hand still held to his chin in thought, the prince turns abruptly at the snapping sound, then his tense shoulders slack again when he sees Bil's handiwork. "Ah. You must be Jason, then? We are planar travelers, here on business of our own. As I offered to your companions, I think we can help each other," lowering his arms, he folds them behind his back. "And yes, we do have a means to return to Timeborne. We can take you all with us when we go. Do you happen to know anything about wilderness tracking, Jason?"