
Twilight Cleric of Damh
AC: 18 HP: 38 / 33 THP: 6

PP: 17 PIv: 11 PIs: 17
Concentrating on:
5 / 5 d8 HD
Spell Slots- 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 0/2; channel 3/3

Bil gives his new companions an appraising look.
"We have doubled our numbers. That's a good portent. Perhaps, as a larger group, the monstrosities of this swamp will think twice before assailing us again."

The harregon readjusts the straps of his shield, then gives a nod to Prince Doredan..

"I am ready your grace. At your word."

Spoiler: ooc